Saturday, December 8, 2007

Look to the Skies, America!!!

Look out, citizens! What is more fearsome than an insect? A stinging insect! And what is more fearsome than a stinging insect? A stinging, flying insect! And what, you might wonder, is more fearsome than a stinging, flying insect? A stinging, flying insect armed with Deadly Helium Gas!!
Beware, onlooker!
BEELIUM IS ON THE SCENE! Patrolling America's skies and stinging with ruthless vengance. Injecting victims with bee-poison and helium gas, he sends the unsuspecting recipient of his attacks floating into the stratosphere where no one can relieve their itchy, burny bee sting with calamine lotion.
Who will put a stop to Beelium's mad rampage?!!

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